Wednesday, 14 September 2011


This fall the Brunswick play is called "The Black Comedy" and I'm trying out.  It's been a while since I've done a school play, so this is a little weird, but I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.  I'm trying to keep things low key because I know I'll be involved in some capacity because of Stage Tech, but it would be really cool to get back on stage (I'm not going to jinx myself by expressing too much hope).   I have gotten a call back to read for the character of Miss Furnival, so I'm pretty excited about that.  I will most certainly keep you all updated on the cast and the show up until opening night.

The show looks really funny.  It's about British people and a black out with a reversed lighting scheme and.... just read the Wikipedia Article.  That's where the director got the character descriptions, so it's good enough for me.  I'll be sure to keep y'all apprised of the theatrical goings on in my life (and there will be many throughout the year) as the year picks up.

All in all it's been a pretty boring week for me.  I'll update as things get interesting as the year progresses, but right now there's not much going on.

I'll see you all around the Interweb!


  1. First: Yay plays! But I miss Robin Hood....

    Second: How do I follow your blog? I know for other friends, it e-mails me every time they post. I can't find out how to do this here... (it's me Allyson btw... it will only let me post this under a very ambiguous name :P)

  2. I miss Robin Hood too!
    I think you can follow the blog if you have either a Twitter, yahoo, or Google account. Just click google friend connect and it should sign you in so that you can follow.
    If you don't have any of those accounts there should be some way for follow the RSS feed, but I don't know how to do that.
