This is a post that comes five days late, but do you really expect any better of me?
I am normally not one for New Year's Resolutions. The "loose weight/get in better shape" resolutions fall by the wayside all to quickly. The "spend more time with family and friends" resolutions are not applicable to me. I have no substances to eliminate forever from my life (I have excellent relationships with sugar and coffee). I have no debt to retire. I really do enjoy my life; I need not resolve to do that. As I am still in high school, I learn new things every day. And I really am an organized person in spite of the appearance of my desk (cut me some slack; midterms are coming up). These, the most common resolutions, have no relevance to my life.
However, the topic has been on my mind recently. A friend recently shot me an email asking me a few questions about my habits regarding New Year's Resolutions for the Greenwich Academy Press (our school newspaper); and I have been considering the prospect of resolving something since I received that email. For that reason I have resolved something!
This year, I will be posting a new piece of writing for every day. That doesn't necessarily mean that I will have a new piece up every day (I'm failing miserably at that already). There will be, by the end of next year, 365 pieces of writing on a blog. Not this one. I will conveniently link to this new blog on the right sidebar as soon as I have set it up in order to avoid cluttering up this blog.
It all feels so official now, having written it out. People of the Internet, I am committed. This shall occur. And now for the requisite New Year's Question: have y'all resolved anything? Talk to me in the comments. It makes me feel cool.